Goals and Core Values of GIC
GIC seeks a quicker and more reliable approach in the ever-changing global industrial field, strives for continuous improvement for product development and productivity improvement, and contributes to the successful global business of customers through quality innovation and improvement of production capacity.

01 Fair Professional Audit Expert
We conduct our activities in a professional, accurate and fair manner. We always apply our best expertise and judgment to Audit.
02 Professional Competency Development
All auditors continually develop their professional competencies and are in excellent condition for correct auditing.
03 Conflicts of Interest Avoidance
Avoid employment or transfers in conflict of interest.
04 Regulatory Compliance
We do not act in an illegal manner to the detriment of the reputation, interests and reputation of the certification body.
05 Customer Information Security
We will not disclose the results, information, or parts of the review process, unless approved in writing by the respondent and the auditing body.
06 Prohibition of Giving and Receiving Money
No commissions, gifts or other benefits are received from the audited organization, employees or other stakeholders.
07 Integrity of Information
We do not knowingly convey false or manipulated information that could compromise the integrity of the audit or audit process.
08 Customer Satisfaction
We do not post or convey unreasonable or unreasonable criticism of the audited organization.
09 Cooperation Obligation
We must not violate this Code of Conduct and cooperate fully with any formal investigation of any suspected violation of this Code.